Clippers N Curls

Corona Virus (COVID19)

We are happy to announce that we will be opening our salon doors to you all on the 4th July 2020 following government guidelines.

There are a few things we would like to make you aware of before you visit the salon. We have implemented the necessary measures to ensure your safety whilst visiting for your appointment.

Close Contact services in England - update from government 3 August 2020

Today, 3rd august 2020 the government had updated its guidance regarding customers wearing face masks/ coverings in England 

From august 8th 2020, members of the public/customers must wear a face mask/covering in hair and beauty salons, barbershops and nail bars.

If necessary, the customer can remove their face mask/ covering for a treatment to be carried out such as for stying/ shaping around the ears etc but please remember however, that no beauty treatments are allowed on the face in England until at least 15th august 2020 when the government will review this. 

The guidance correctly states that the wearing of face masks/coverings by customers in not mandatory But recommended in the hair and beauty salons, barbershops and nail bars. This has now been updated as above. 

We do ask all customers to wait outside the salon door when you arrive for your appointment to support the implementation of our 1 meter social distancing measure between all employees and clients. We will then call you in as soon as possible. We will not leave you waiting long, we promise.

All tools are sterilised between each and every customer to protect you from any potential risk and keep our salon as clean and safe as possible. We will also be using disposable tools where we can.

We ask that, where possible you visit the salon on your own. It is important that we keep the salon capacity to an absolute minimum to protect our employees and our clients as best as we can. We do understand if you are a dependant, please only bring one person with you at a time. A child visiting for a child’s hair cut must only be accompanied by one adult.

When visiting the salon please be aware that we are unable to take your coat or other personal belongings from you at this time. 

You may notice that there is tape on the floor in front of our front desk. Please stay behind this line to ensure we are implementing the 1 meter social distancing rule.

Finally, in some areas of the salon you may notice plastic shields separating you from the employee, this is to protect both the employee and the client from any possible risk. 

Thank you for reading our Corona Virus (COVID19) update.

If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us via out contact page.

In the meantime, stay safe, we very much look forward to seeing you again. 

The Clippers N Curls Team.